IMF Board Approves US$9.03 Millions Disbursement to Tonga Nuku’alofa – The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 15 July 2022 approved the disbursement of SDR 6.9 million (about US$9.03 million), an equivalent to an estimate TOP $21 million, under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF).
The Finance Minister, Tatafu Moeaki, welcomed the quick response of the IMF to support the Government of Tonga increased expenditure in its Budget 2023 to finance the increasing costs for the reconstruction and social protection following the HTHH volcanic eruption and the COVID-19 outbreak during the first quarter for 2022.
The loan funds are provided on a highly concessional terms including a zero-interest rate, grace period of 5.5 years, repayment period of 4.5 years; and final maturity of 10 years.
The IMF approval and timely disbursement of the funds will help the government timely response to support the reconstruction and returning those families affected to normalcy sooner.
“ Tali ‘e he Poate Pule ‘o e SINO’I PA’ANGA FAKAVAHA’APULE’ANGA (IMF) ke totongi atu ‘a e US$9.03 Miliona ki Tonga ”
Nuku’alofa – Kuo tali ‘e he Poate Pule ‘o e Sino’i Pa’anga Fakavaha’apule’angá (IMF) ‘i he ‘aho 15 ‘o Siulai, 2022 ke totongi atu ‘a e SDR 6.9 miliona (US$9.03 miliona), fakafuofua ko e TOP $21 miliona, ‘i he malumalu ‘o e Fa’unga Ma’u’anga No Vave (RCF). Na’e pehee ‘e he Minisitā Pa’angá, Hon. Tatafu Moeaki, ‘oku fakafiefia ‘a e vave ko ia ‘o hono tali ‘e he IMF ke fakapa’anga ‘a e hiki ‘i he fakamole ‘a e Pule’anga ‘o Tongá he Ta’u Patiseti 2023, ke fakapa’anga ‘a e ngaahi totongi ki he To e Langá fo’ou mo e Malu’i Faka-sosialé hili ‘a e Pā ‘a e Mo’unga afi Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai pea mo e mafola ‘a e KOVITI–19 lolotonga ‘a e ‘uluaki kuata ‘o e ta’u 2022.
Ko e sino’i pa’anga nō eni ‘oku mātu’aki faka’atu’i mo ma’ama’a ‘a hono ngaahi makatu’ungá, hangē ko e ‘ikai ha totongi tupu ki hono taa fakafoki; faka’atā ke ‘oua ‘e fai ha totongi fakafoki ‘i he ‘uluaki ta’u ‘e 5 mo e kongá, kae fakahoko pe ‘i he ta’u ‘e 4 mo e konga faka’osi; ‘o fe’unga mo e ta’u ‘e 10 ‘a e lōloa ‘o e taimi ke totongi fakafoki ai.
Ko hono tali ‘e he IMF mo e taimi tonú, ko e tokoni lahi ia ki he Pule’angá ke lava lelei ‘a e ngāue langá mo e vave ‘o e fakafoki ki he tu’unga anga maheni ‘o e nofó, tautefito ki si’i ngaahi famili ko ia na’e uesia honau ngaahi nofo’angá.
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