

The 2019/2020 Financial Statements for the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga together with the…

August 28, 2021

I Have examined the accompanying Public Funds Quarterly Summary of Receipts and Payments

August 28, 2021

Ko e ngaahi Fakamatal pa'anga ni kuo teuteu'i 'e he Potungaue Pa'anga 'o Fakatatau ki he ngaahi…

August 28, 2021
Budget Statement 2021 - 2022

The Budget theme for FY 2022, ‘By God’s grace we are saved through faith’, will emphasize and…

August 18, 2021
Resilience Notice

Tonga is a Polynesian Pacific Island country with a population of 104,000. The Tongan…

August 10, 2021
PMU Ministry of Education


1.        …

July 26, 2021