Budget Statement 2020-2021

The FY 2020/21 budget is guided by the theme: ‘God is my Refuge and my Fortress’. The rationale behind the theme emphasizes the call for the nation that the hardship and challenges we face today, in particular the COVID- 19 pandemic, our only hope and protection is the Almighty God. The Sovereign Lord is our protector and defender in times of trials and pestilence.

Budget Statement 2019-2020

The 2019/20 budget is guided by the theme: ‘Our Country Our People.’ This is with the objective that all work carried out by Government funded by this budget is aimed to benefit all our people in Tonga, the country that we love and cherish. We are therefore calling on everyone in the society to work in collaboration to develop our people and our country. With continued vigor and great enthusiam, by God’s guidance and grace, our nation will get through difficult times and overcome any challenges ahead.

Budget Statement 2017-2018

‘Oku ou fiefia ke fakahoko atu heni ‘a e fakamatala patiseti hono tolu ‘a e Pule’anga lolotonga′. Ko e patiseti 2017/18, ko e me’angāue mahu’inga ia ki hono fakahoko ‘o e ngaahi tu’utu’uni ngāue′ pehē ki he ngaahi palani′ ‘o fakatatau ki he ivi fakapa’anga ‘oku ala ma’u′, ka e fakatefito pē ‘i he ngaahi ngāue ‘oku fakataumu’a ki he tupulekina ‘a e fonua′ fakalukufua.

Budget Statement 2017-2018

I am very pleased to present the third Budget of the current Administration. The 2017/18 budget, as the vehicle for implementing government policies and transmitting plans into actions through necessary fiscal space, remains focused on diversifying the economy towards achieving sustainable broad-based inclusive growth. This budget constitutes an integral part of the annual corporate planning and budgeting processes for government which aims at “A more progressive Tonga supporting a higher quality of life for all” as the prescribed national impact under TSDF II.